Using the Urban Designer Perspective to Structure & Evaluate Citizen Participation in Urban Projects

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Thanks to an increasingly digitized and connected world, citizen participation in urban projects is transforming from a privilege to an expectation. As cities grow and urban developments impact more and more people, it is vital that these projects reach out to as many individuals as possible and that the voice of these people is heard and taken into serious consideration by Urban Designers. In partnership with U_CODE, an EU Horizon 2020 project, this research and design thesis explores the Urban Designer’s perspective on public participation, what information Urban Designer’s want from citizens and when, as well as how to present this plethora of citizen data to the Urban Designer and his / her team. Most participatory process results end up in a report that no one reads, but this project aims to change that by proposing a digital interface designed with and for Urban Designers specifically to be able to better review, digest and incorporate citizen input into their professional designs. This design was based on multiple forms of research and case studies, including interviews, creative sessions, workshops and user tests. Not only was the end result a digital interface but also a redefined participatory process that starts with asking the right questions and understanding the ‘why?’ behind citizens’ designs.