
Using data physicalization to increase the understanding and inspirational use of quantitative data in data-driven design scenarios

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In today’s world, the advantages of data-enabled design are undeniable, increasing the performance of organisations drastically by informing and inspiring the design process. While organisations seem to be more experienced with quantitative data for evaluative purposes, they do struggle to use data as creative material to inspire the design process. Choosing the right type of data representation is critical for using data for creative purposes. Data visualization has proven to be highly effective in increasing understanding of data, as it is fast, accurate and flexible. Data physicalization, on the other hand, remains unexplored in comparison, especially its effect on creativity. This paper presents the results of two studies (one preliminary and one follow-up study), which explored the use of data physicalization in creative settings. The preliminary study enabled to collect initial requirements for the development of a physicalization toolkit, while the follow-up study investigated its impact on the design process, in comparison to data visualization. From the studies, we developed Concreate, a collaborative data physicalization toolkit designed to lead to creative insights from quantitative data. Our results show that Concreate can potentially stimulate creative thinking, by encouraging intense, tangible interaction with data leading to increased reflection-in-action and a deeper understanding of data. The two studies and toolkit development were carried out at a multinational automotive company, interested in innovating by incorporating data as creative material. Besides the immediate practical implications, we conclude this paper with a discussion on future recommendations for using data physicalization in the design process.