From Intuition to Impact

How can Unifix Care make more effective decisions while maintaining its 'just do it' mentality?

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You will be reading a comprehensive study that examines the shortage of instruments for performing surgery in sub-Saharan Africa and the wastage of quality surgical instruments in the Netherlands. The report explores the potential solution of repositioning the excess instruments to sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on three product categories identified by Unifix Care as having the potential to make an impact. The thesis investigates the important elements that determine the value of these second-life products in Kenya. The conclusion reached is that none of the three product categories will have a significant impact in Kenya, leading to the recommendation for Unifix Care to discontinue this proposition. In the next part of the thesis, the report takes a higher-level perspective and examines the decision-making process of Unifix Care when approaching and investigating expansion opportunities. It highlights the limitations of the current approach, which is deemed non-strategic and unsustainable in the long term. The section discusses the significance of making structured decisions and proposes a suggestion to proactively predict market potential to avoid investing time and resources into unprofitable opportunities. A recommendation is proposed to prevent this by implementing a quickscan that forecasts market conditions in advance. This approach aims to stay focused on the most important activities. Moreover, this thesis promotes the application of an effectual approach in conjunction with proactive prediction methodologies and theories that align with the causation paradigm. This project delivers: A study on the adoption of excessive Western second-life surgical instruments in Kenya, analyzing the potential impact by means of a triple constraint analysis. A recommendation for Unifix Care to enhance decision-making effectiveness and adopt a more strategic approach for future opportunities. A decision support model that facilitates strategic decision-making for Unifix Care. A strategic opportunity framework that aids Unifix Care in prioritizing its actions based on opportunity landscapes.