Piloted Evaluation of Flying-V with Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion and Envelope Protection

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The Flying-V is a novel flying wing aircraft design that aims to improve aerodynamic efficiency and fuel consumption. In recent years, there has been an increased effort to evaluate the handling qualities (HQs) of the Flying-V, and to develop new flight control strategies. One of the latest flight control designs for the Flying-V uses Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (INDI) with a Flight Envelope Protection system. The purpose of this research is to validate this FCS design and its conclusions on handling qualities by conducting piloted experiments. To facilitate a sound comparison, the aerodynamic model, flight control structure, and airframe characteristics are taken as is from the existing study. For the experiment, numerous maneuvers are designed and carried out. The experiment is performed on the SIMONA Research Simulator of the Delft University of Technology, with three real-life test pilots as participants. The results show a significant correlation with offline findings and demonstrate the improvement in HQs provided by the flight control system.
