Identifying the barriers for diffusion of stationary car sharing in the Netherlands using an innovation system approach

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Privately owned cars are causing negative externalities like pollution, CO2 emissions and extensive use of public space. Car sharing can be seen as a solution to reduce these negative externalities. Still, a rapid transition from privately owned cars to shared cars is not taking place, given the number of shared cars in the Netherlands. An innovation system methodology is applied to identify the blocking mechanisms for diffusion of car sharing in the Netherlands. Assessing the performance by the stakeholders showed that car sharing has difficulty in competing with existing mobility solutions, such as the private car or public transport. Besides, there are also difficulties in turning knowledge, networks and markets in viable car sharing concepts. Barriers found in the innovation system for car sharing in the Netherlands perceived by all stakeholders are the lack of profitability of business models, limited accessibility/interoperability of car sharing services and an unequal fiscal level playing field for automobility. Future research should lead to identification of effects of solutions aimed at reducing these barriers.