Bayesian Reinforcement Learning in Factored POMDPs

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Model-based Bayesian Reinforcement Learning (BRL) provides a principled solution to dealing with the exploration-exploitation trade-off, but such methods typically assume a fully observable environments. The few Bayesian RL methods that are applicable in partially observable domains, such as the Bayes-Adaptive POMDP (BA-POMDP), scale poorly. To address this issue, we introduce the Factored BA-POMDP model (FBA-POMDP), a framework that is able to learn a compact model of the dynamics by exploiting the underlying structure of a POMDP. The FBA-POMDP framework casts the problem as a planning task, for which we adapt the Monte-Carlo Tree Search planning algorithm and develop a belief tracking method to approximate the joint posterior over the state and model variables. Our empirical results show that this method outperforms a number of BRL baselines and is able to learn efficiently when the factorization is known, as well as learn both the factorization and the model parameters simultaneously.


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- Embargo expired in 08-11-2019