A highly innovative SAR mission for global observation of dynamic processes on the earth's surface

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ALOS-Next/Tandem-L is a proposal for a highly innovative L-band SAR satellite mission for the global observation of dynamic processes on the Earth's surface with hitherto unparalleled quality and resolution. It is based on a collaboration between DLR and JAXA which started with a pre-phase A study in 2013 and is currently undergoing a phase A study. Thanks to the novel imaging techniques and the vast recording capacity with up to 8 Tbytes/day, it will provide vital information for solving pressing scientific questions in the biosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, and hydrosphere. By this, the new L-band SAR mission will make an essential contribution for a better understanding of the Earth system and its dynamics. ALOS-Next/Tandem-L will, moreover, open new opportunities for risk analysis, disaster management and environmental monitoring by employing especially designed acquisition modes and techniques in combination with a reconfigurable tandem satellite configuration and an L-band SAR instrument with advanced digital beamforming techniques.