Jacquerie Mimesis

The transformation of life during the Anthropocene concerning the build environment

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This thesis is made during my graduation project within the studio Explore Lab at the Technical University of Delft on the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences. Since the writing of my first master thesis, the fascination for the topic arose. At the Architectural Theory department under guidance of Andrej Radman I wrote; ‘Biomimicry: Mimicking biology in architecture to achieve sustainable development’. Although there was so much more in this thesis then just the idea of using nature’s ingenious solutions to serve human needs. I was already thinking in a much broader sense how we ever ended up in this climatological crisis? And how we could be able to solve it? Are we as individuals even able to change anything within this metastable system? With these questions in mind I dived into a research process with Peter Koorstra my research mentor, nevertheless he also gave guidance during the design process. The thesis is an elaboration of my first master thesis and functions as a source for design occurred parallel to my graduation project; ‘The Temple of the Natural Delights’. Robert Nottrot and Jan van de Voort supervised the design, even though they were also involved in the thinking process of this thesis. Through research a specific kind of philosophy is developed, to achieve a certain goal. The architectural design is just an imagined posture of this philosophy on a moment of time.