P.A. Koorstra


20 records found

City Monastery Rotterdam

A place amidst the ever-crowded city that can offer moments of rest and room for contemplation in the urban context of Rotterdam.

Preliminary to this design, a careful research was done on the proportional theory of Dom Hans van der Laan. Based on how we perceive space and measure things this system offers a way to create harmonious architecture. What can we learn from this theory for today's architecture a ...

Bridging the affordability gap

An exploratory study into the potential enhancement of the Dutch intermediate housing sector

Housing affordability is a topic of all times, however, on the current Dutch housing market it is an increasing urgency and thus increasingly harder to find to many Dutch households. The housing shortage, combined with the booming economy, are causing housing prices to rise relat ...

An Echo of Timelessness

Moments of introspective play at De Hoge Veluwe national park

Over the past decades the act of play has taken on an ever-decreasing form of importance in society. This not only leads to the absence of its accompanying architecture, but also to more boring, uniform and hollow spaces. With the ambition of designing for the homo ludens of toda ...

Speaking architecture

a semiotic study toward understanding visual communication in architecture

Architecture communicates. Through its appearance it can communicate a function, time or place, or some kind of ideal. However, architecture does not communicate with words like humans do: instead, it communicates through a four- dimensional, non-verbal language consisting of for ...

Making is Thinking

Poetic Pursuits in Architectural Design

The title of the research, and consequently the guiding principle behind the design, making is thinking, stemmed from a frustration with the often-held view that the latter is of greater importance than the former. That thinking, as our intellect of the mind, is of a superior mot ...

How do fashion designers design?

A research on the design process in fashion, reflected on architecture

Architectural theory has illuminated the inherently connected relationship between fashion and architecture. Both disciplines shelter the body, react to spatial volume, rely on a process, and take a work of creativity from its two-dimensional concept into a three-dimensional real ...

Constructing Atmosphere

In Search of Atmospheric Architecture

We all refer to it in our daily lives; we talk about a concert as having a good vibe, we talk about a social situation as being ‘gezellig’, we talk about the impression of a part of town as being gloomy and we even talk about the mood of a day as having a sense of anticipation. A ...

The Intimacy of Intensive Places

Presence of place in the villages of the Lower Engadine

The greatest of all arts, music, can evoke deep emotions and memories. It has the power to transfer the listener to a different world. The first few notes of Brahms allegro amabile (op.120) instantly brings one in a state of presence, whereas Mahler’s fifth symphony’s adagietto o ...


The Search for a Purpose of Post-industrial Machine Architecture

How can we design a low-energy house in the post-industrial context with the use of environment and technology and still keep heritage and expression of the past or machine architecture?

Reading of an urbanised Landscape

The Unesco Silent Stewardship

A self-organised community within the polish countryside - Alongside the fast development of cities, digitalisation, threats of an unstable political situation and a wish for a simpler life, more and more citizens are migrating towards rural areas. The absence of agriculture is ...
This master’s thesis investigates the concepts of biophilic design, a concept that believes that the build environment can bring people and nature closer together, positively influencing both. After investigating the architectural expression of biophilic design, they are implemen ...

Beyond sand and water

Opportunities for the continuous social, structural and morphological transformation of Puntarenas

The city of Puntarenas in Costa Rica is one of the many examples along the country’s pacific coast, where settlements have developed and survived by the extraction/exploitation of marine resources and the chain of industries that follow. Currently, these coastal communities are b ...

Architecture for Human Nature

The quest for embodied resonance in the Modern Habitat

From a biological perspective, I have researched how our bodies have evolved in the biosphere for millions of years and therefore we are wired to have an incredibly rich diet of sensory stimuli. I have distinguished some of our intrinsic needs, and accompanied them with the lates ...

The Muses Labyrinth Beneath

Reproducing life inherent in musical form with architectural composition

My thesis explores on how to reproduce life inherent in the musical form with architectural composition. The beauty of music attributes to its high degree of life inherent in its holistic form, which is affective, adaptive and generative. In my research paper I approach the quote ...

Urban Nature Analysis

The first step towards nature inclusive design

Nature inclusive is a large topic that is still in its pioneering phase. There is a need for clear elaboration and ways of incorporating this new way of thinking into design. In order to have a functional nature inclusive design one must fist know the existing ecosystem to contri ...

Architectural paintings

The role of painting in the architectural design process

Architecture is a creative craft within certain limitations of program, technical requirements, environmental aspects, etc. and every project comes with a vast number of challenges that have to be tackled, giving the designer endless possibilities for solutions. A design tool use ...
This project focuses on the architect’s attitude performing in non-urban landscapes. As a case study the landscape of the Reitdiep river in Groningen (NL) has been intensely researched. Here, a strong interaction between myself and the physical landscape has been informing the de ...

Inhabiting a finite world

Towards a regenerative architecture

Current discourses within the built environment increasingly underline the need for a shift in perception, thinking and values as a prerequisite to moving from sustainability to regeneration. Within architecture, regeneration is defined as an act of building with an active contri ...

Talent Lab Tarwewijk

The exploration of a new typology for experience based education, in order to unlock the talents of Tarwewijk.

Living in Rotterdam, we make eagerly use of all cultural attractions the city has to offer. We visit a museum on a free weekend, go to the library to study, spend an evening at the cinema or theatre and go out for dinner with friends and family. Without much awareness, using the ...

The (Re)Valuation of Landscape through Architecture

Learning from the Norwegian Way of Living, Applying it to the Dutch Polder

In an ongoing movement of urbanization, life seems to mostly happen in planned environments while the untouched part of the world sometimes seems to be disconnected from people’s lives. These landscapes can only be fully understood and valued by a physical, sensory experience of ...