Migration of low-mass planets in inviscid discs

the effect of radiation transport on the dynamical corotation torque

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Low-mass planets migrate in the type-I regime. In the inviscid limit, the contrast between the vortensity trapped inside the planet's corotating region and the background disc vortensity leads to a dynamical corotation torque, which is thought to slow down inward migration. We investigate the effect of radiative cooling on low-mass planet migration using inviscid 2D hydrodynamical simulations. We find that cooling induces a baroclinic forcing on material U-turning near the planet, resulting in vortensity growth in the corotating region, which in turn weakens the dynamical corotation torque and leads to 2-3 × faster inw ard migration. This mechanism is most efficient when cooling acts on a time-scale similar to the U-turn time of material inside the corotating region, but is none the less rele v ant for a substantial radial range in a typical disc ( R ~5-50 au). As the planet migrates inwards, the contrast between the vortensity inside and outside the corotating region increases and partially regulates the effect of baroclinic forcing. As a secondary ef fect, we sho w that radiati ve damping can further weaken the vortensity barrier created by the planet's spiral shocks, supporting inward migration. Finally, we highlight that a self-consistent treatment of radiative diffusion as opposed to local cooling is critical in order to avoid overestimating the vortensity growth and the resulting migration rate.