
8 records found

Buoyancy response of a disc to an embedded planet

A cross-code comparison at high resolution

In radiatively inefficient, laminar protoplanetary discs, embedded planets can excite a buoyancy response as gas gets deflected vertically near the planet. This results in vertical oscillations that drive a vortensity growth in the planet's corotating region, speeding up inward m ...

Migration of low-mass planets in inviscid discs

The effect of radiation transport on the dynamical corotation torque

Low-mass planets migrate in the type-I regime. In the inviscid limit, the contrast between the vortensity trapped inside the planet's corotating region and the background disc vortensity leads to a dynamical corotation torque, which is thought to slow down inward migration. We in ...
Dust rings in protoplanetary discs are often observed in thermal dust emission and could be fa v ourable environments for planet formation. While dust rings readily form in gas pressure maxima, their long-term stability is key to both their observability and potential to assist i ...
Low-mass planets migrating inwards in laminar protoplanetary discs (PPDs) experience a dynamical corotation torque (DCT), which is expected to slow down migration to a stall. However, baroclinic effects can reduce or even reverse this effect, leading to rapid inward migration. In ...
Low-mass planets migrating inwards in laminar protoplanetary discs (PPDs) experience a dynamical corotation torque (DCT), which is expected to slow down migration to a stall. However, baroclinic effects can reduce or even reverse this effect, leading to rapid inward migration. In ...
Planet-disk interactions, where an embedded massive body interacts gravitationally with the protoplanetary disk it was formed in, can play an important role in reshaping both the disk and the orbit of the planet. Spiral density waves are launched into the disk by the planet, whic ...
Planet-disk interactions, where an embedded massive body interacts gravitationally with the protoplanetary disk it was formed in, can play an important role in reshaping both the disk and the orbit of the planet. Spiral density waves are launched into the disk by the planet, whic ...
Planet-disk interactions, where an embedded massive body interacts gravitationally with the protoplanetary disk it was formed in, can play an important role in reshaping both the disk and the orbit of the planet. Spiral density waves are launched into the disk by the planet, whic ...


4 records found

The NIBIRU mission, scheduled for launch in 2038, seeks to image and characterise Planet 9, a hypothesized planet beyond Neptune in the Kuiper Belt. The mission will travel farther than any human-made object and involves a close approach to the Sun, necessitating precise design a ...
The NIBIRU mission, scheduled for launch in 2038, seeks to image and characterise Planet 9, a hypothesized planet beyond Neptune in the Kuiper Belt. The mission will travel farther than any human-made object and involves a close approach to the Sun, necessitating precise design a ...
The NIBIRU mission, scheduled for launch in 2038, seeks to image and characterise Planet 9, a hypothesized planet beyond Neptune in the Kuiper Belt. The mission will travel farther than any human-made object and involves a close approach to the Sun, necessitating precise design a ...