Cars in Technopolis

Future cars and building integrated

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Assuming that cars in the near future will be fully electrical and capable of driving autonomously with or without any human on board. This resulted in two main topics in the research, architectural changes and ability to add to sustainability of buildings with these future cars. The conclusion was basically that we can reduce uses space of a parking space because they can get smaller, we need to design a place where your car can drop you off and pick you up in a convenient and safe way and that the big battery that the future cars contain can help your building in a more efficient way of energy use. The objective is to develop a design in which the future electric cars integrated into a new building, where the future scenario of electric autonomous cars become a part of the building and add to a high level of comfort for the user and the sustainability. Using the tools that I obtained from the research. I designed a luxury apartment tower, for car enthusiasts, where the capabilities of the future cars are incorporated. The building is part of an area that is designed to showcase the future use of the cars in multiple types of daily car use.