Impact of State Visitation Mismatch Methods on the Performance of On-Policy Reinforcement Learning

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In the field of reinforcement learning (RL), effectively leveraging behavior-agnostic data to train and evaluate policies without explicit knowledge of the behavior policies that generated the data is a significant challenge. This research investigates the impact of state visitation mismatch methods on the performance of on-policy RL methods, an area crucial for improving policy performance in real-world applications where behavior policies are often unknown. Specifically, we compare the convergence speed and performance of Q-learning when initialized with Q-values learned through the Distribution Correction Estimation (DICE) method versus traditional random initialization. By generating datasets representing behavior and target policies, we employ the DICE estimator to initialize Q-values, and subsequently run Q-learning for both DICE-initialized and randomly-initialized scenarios. Our results demonstrate that initializing Q-learning with DICE Q-values enhances convergence speed, leading to faster attainment of near-optimal policies. This study provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of state visitation mismatch methods in improving the efficiency and performance of on-policy RL algorithms, contributing to the development of more robust RL applications in behavior-agnostic settings.