CryoSat-2 precise orbit determination using DORIS phase measurements

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CryoSat-2 is a European Space Agency (ESA) altimeter mission with an objective to study the connection between cryosphere melting and global sea level rise. The satellite carries a Doppler navigation system (DORIS) and a Satellite Laser Ranging system (SLR) to aid the precise computation of orbits down to centimetre level.
CNES/IDS releases DORIS tracking data in two formats for CryoSat-2. One is the raw format called RINEX and other is the pre-processed Doppler format called version 2.2. V2.2 data contains all information necessary for straightforward usage in orbit determination - measurements time-tagged in TAI, range-rate measurements, ionospheric correction, tropospheric correction, antenna corrections and flags that indicate unusable measurements. RINEX does not contain any corrections and has the phase and pseudorange measurements at short latency allowing users to have flexibility in processing. Additionally, data required for formulating the corrections are present in RINEX. For missions in and after 2016, CNES/IDS supplies tracking data only in RINEX and not in V2.2. Analysis centres using DORIS data now have to independently develop processing strategies to process RINEX data. This problem is the main objective of this research. In this thesis, a pre-processor called RX2RR (RINEX to Range-Rate) has been built in Fortran in an attempt to process the raw data and compute all the necessary corrections. RX2RR converts RINEX format to a format exactly similar to V2.2 such that RINEX can now be used in any orbit determination tool that has been previously using V2.2. In this processor, clock synchronisation of on-board clock to International Atomic Time is performed. A new approach of utilizing Meteorological data in RINEX for troposphere delay corrections is implemented. Use of real time data from numerical weather models is also presented for tropospheric correction. Ionospheric delay and antenna phase centre corrections are performed using iono-free phase centre. An editing strategy to remove outliers in Doppler data is implemented and tested. To demonstrate the performance of the tool, we perform orbit determination using NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s orbit computation software GEODYN-II. We use RX2RR processed RINEX data and CNES processed V2.2 data of CryoSat-2 for year 2016. Tracking residuals from both POD runs are compared and average difference in R.M.S residual is found to be approximately 0.011 mm/s over a year. This validates that the corrections are formulated and implemented correctly. The result proves our capability to process the RINEX measurements independently and the tool developed has extended the capability of GEODYN-II to process RINEX observations from DORIS system.
