LEIDEN HUMANITIES Campus & Boutique Residences

72 | 50 Beyond the Boundaries

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This graduation report is a summary of the architectural analysis, design interpretation and reflections of the Dutch Structuralism Movement. By using Leiden Humanity Faculty designed by Joop van Stigt (1976) as a case study, the researches were conducted through various perspectives which range from architectural/urban design strategies, techniques, and limitations. Those studies were aimed to provide an essences transformation frameworks and intervention strategies for the future alteration of this university campus. The relationship between research and design will be illustrated through both significant tangible and intangible perspectives. In fact, a further elaboration on the intangible aspects analysis is very crucial for this graduation studio. Since the structuralism movement was originated by the humanity ambitions, critical assessments on the design philosophies will gradually lead to a set of logical approaches which influence the intervention decisions and offering guidance to all aspects of the adaptive reuse scheme. The synthesis of the collective information will be a key to the appropriate framework of structuralism architectures protection.

In addition to the architectural adaptive reuse, this redevelopment project is also aimed to be a prototype for the later development of the study procedure at Leiden University. Throughout the four centuries, this university has mainly relied on the text-based research methodologies. Literature and written document investigations have been introduced as the preliminary devices of the study here. This method has always been a reliable information for some specific field of researches. In contrast, this authentic methodological approach may not be fully applicable in the fast-changing society in the current situations, especially in the art and cultural studies. Taking these thoughts into consideration, the new approaches to the study procedure at Leiden University will be set as another ambition of this graduation project.

Also included are the critique and reflection on the original Van Stigt’s Humanities Faculty buildings and Dutch Structuralism Movement on various scales. While preserving the cultural values of this architectural movement, this graduation project was also aimed to challenge preconceptions about heritage architecture adaptive reuse. One of the most appropriate schemes was selected and elaborated in details as shown in the chapter-"Strategies & Design Proposals" of this graduation report.