VR Mediated Teleoperation

Total workspace utilization using null-space projection control

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Joint limits and singularities limit the total and intuitive utilization of the robotic workspace in VR mediated teleoperation. This paper presents the development and validation of a novel null-space projection control method, used to adjust joint configurations of teleoperated robot arms containing joint limits and singularities. The novel null-space projection controller enables the operator to manually adjust invalid joint configurations. By doing so, we allow the operator to intuitively utilize the entire workspace of a teleoperated robot arm. A within-subject design experiment assessing operator task performance, acceptance and controller preference of 26 novel operators was executed. The participants were analyzed using the novel and the state-of-the-art end-effector controller for a trajectory following task. The novel controller significantly out-performed the end-effector controller in trajectory accuracy. Operators utilizing the novel controller use significantly less effort when operating the robot arm. The novel controller was also rated significantly more useful and satisfying than the end-effector controller, resulting in 81\% of the participants preferring the novel controller over the end-effector controller. Further development and future studies will explore the full capabilities of the novel controller, improve performance, user acceptance and explore additional applications.