Physical scale model experiments into local sediment displacement around hydraulic structures of Xstream

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Over the past centuries, the Dutch rivers have been extensively engineered with the construction of hydraulic training works. A changing climate and increasing demands of river functionalities require innovations to the system to ensure its resilience. Exploring potential applications of Xstream elements might contribute to the development of sustainable river management strategies. The 33 cm high concrete three-dimensional cross is the little version of the Xbloc, a widely used breakwater element for coastal protection. Random arrangement of Xstream elements creates 60% porous spaces and the ability to build slopes at a 45∘ angle. Alterations to the riverbed morphology induced in the near-field of homogeneous Xstream hydraulic structures are assessed in the present study. A physical scale model featuring a movable bed of lightweight sediment was employed to simulate a river section. Minimising any compromises on Froude scaling, this material was used to properly scale the Shields parameter, striving dynamic similarity between the model and reality. Bed load transport processes are reasonably well represented by this material, providing well matched equilibrium scour depths and good qualitative comparisons of the influence of structural variations on these processes. Multiple setups differing in material and geometry were tested in a 12 m long and 2.6 m wide sediment recirculating flume. The primary comparisons of this study include:
• the flexible groyne head in the model against field data;
• two abutments with a 1:2.5 slope, varying in material between stone and Xstream elements;
• two abutments made of Xstream elements, differing in slope between 1:1 and 1:2.5.
Water levels were gauged and flow velocities were measured with acoustic Doppler velocimeters during the experiments. High-resolution bed elevation data was collected by means of a laser scanner. Generally, results of the model show an overestimation of bedform dimensions. This is attributed to the concessions necessitated by the limitations of the test facilities due to the low length scale factor. The effect of contraction was exaggerated in the model as the structure width to flow width ratio was 3 times greater and the influence of any upstream river training works was neglected. The flexible groyne head blocked 43% of the cross sectional flow area in the model. Furthermore, due to the laminar flow behaviour, the water encountered increased resistance within the structure. The deepest scour is found along the leading edge of the structures. This can be explained by the intricate flow patterns created by the primary vortex entering the flow acceleration. Inspired by the longitudinal training wall as built in the river Waal, a less porous stone abutment was constructed to compare the effect of porosity and roughness of Xstream elements on local sediment displacement under high water conditions. The increase in water level in front of the Xstream abutment was half that of the stone abutment and streamwise velocities in the main flow were 5% lower. These findings indicate better dissipation of energy by the Xstream abutment. Nevertheless, the relative turbulence level was 17% higher close to the Xstream abutment due to the higher roughness, resulting in equivalent peak velocities in both experiments. Along the Xstream abutment, however, the scour depth was twice as large. Taking into account the live-bed conditions, where sediment is supplied from upstream causing the scour depth to fluctuate around its equilibrium, a significant difference of at least 20% remained. The principle of a falling apron, a mechanism where individual units at the toe of a structure tumble down, covering one slope of the scour hole and thereby increasing the roughness, could be the reason for this. The erratic shaped Xstream elements enhance complex turbulence patterns very locally. Due to the absence of a supporting filter construction or a bed protection layer, the Xstream abutment was undermined, leading to individual elements decaying at the base of the structure. The interlocking ability of Xstream seems to be stronger when the structure is built with a steeper slope. This insight can be taken into account in the design of Xstream hydraulic structures. The substantial discrepancy in density between the Xstream model units and the angular polystyrene particles must be considered as the geotechnical properties may differ from the real world. The present study has shown the kinetic energy absorbing capacity of Xstream. Turbulence levels increase due to higher roughness. Exposing a uniform structure of Xstream elements to high water conditions might lead to instability which alters both positive and negative effects. Future research must give valuable insight into how the design of Xstream structures could look like for a durable implementation in the Dutch river system.