Architect-developer: house on a house

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Architecture and real estate are one thing, both dealing with built environment. One is embedded in the other, yet not always present. Many complaints from architecture professionals can be heard about the power and negative impact of real estate on architecture and cities, but only few actually become involved in this issue. The building development in Czech Republic has been taken over by profit seeking real estate developers. The negative impact of the real estate development can be felt. The legislation does not provide contemporary rules to control how are buildings built. Municipality have no strategic plan, no requirements from developers. Architects have been pushed aside. Architects in present society are meant to be responsible for the environment, the built as well as the natural. Due to the lack of sufficient economic education, respectively real estate education, architects are losing battle to developers and are not equal partner on decision making process. Architects are easily dismissed in building processes. An architect with the knowledge of real estate development methods and tools is able to control, be engaged and be more equal partner in decision making processes of real estate development. Architecture with the knowledge of real estate can control the real estate market and become more useful to the built environment. Finding a balance between architecture and profit of a building can create better quality buildings with higher material and construction standards as well can create higher demand among future dwellers and contribute to higher spatial qualities of the cities.There is a wide field of possible involvement of an architect in order to influence the real estate market. The figure of the architect-developer, who is a synergy of architect and a developer in one person may be one of the next roles architects will be taking in the future. So can the architect-developer be a meaningful figure for the built environment? Can such figure help to improve the image of the built environment in the Czech Republic? Is it possible to merge high quality architecture with the economical feasibility of an architectural project?