A campus as a solution for the main location of the Landelijke Eenheid in Driebergen

Towards a campus assessment framework that will support the organization

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Recently, campus strategies have become popular in managing portfolios of real estate. The growth of business and employment on campuses has continued unabated in recent years, leading to the conclusion that campuses are a popular location and an engine for new and innovative activity. Because of the thirteen added values that a campus can offer to an organization, the Landelijke Eenheid wants to implement a campus to support the organization and consequently also support future operational processes. However, for the Landelijke Eenheid it is still unclear and abstract what a police campus looks like because they have never developed a police campus so there is not a campus assessment framework on how to make a police campus yet. What we know about the police campus at the moment is not enough. Therefore, this research will investigate what a campus can offer to the organization of the Landelijke Eenheid for the location of Driebergen. By making use of the four perspectives of den Heijer, a new campus assessment framework is made to help the Landelijke Eenheid with an overview of their ambition and vision document and the four real estate documents that are used within this research. The empirical part will focus on the new campus assessment framework and how the occurring contradictions can be solved. The input for the research will be conducted through both qualitative and inductive research. Semi-structured interviews are held and a case study about a campus with similar contradictions (Brightlands Chemelot campus) is executed. The theoretical review will focus on the campus, its management and the operationalization of a campus. The Activity Theory by Engeström is used to examine the activity of creating a police campus and serves as the conceptual framework. The goal in this research is to formulate an outcome of how a campus can support the organization of the Landelijke Eenheid.


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