Magnetic Stray Field Analysis to Detect Plastic Deformation in Steel Cylinders

Experimental Research into Magnetomechanical Effect Under Impact Loading

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Pile driving can cause plastic deformation to the head of the driven pile, which in turn can lead to connectivity issues when the superstructure is installed. Moreover, plastic deformation reduces the estimated service life of the structure. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the strain levels during the installation in order to detect if the yield limit is exceeded. Conventional methods to detect this, like strain gauges, can be hard to install and are prone to damage. Hence, alternative methods to monitor the onset of plastic deformation in the structure are needed.

In this thesis, a promising alternative is developed through a lab-scale experiment. The experiment consists of a scaled version of steel pile that is impacted axially by a falling concrete mass. With the measurements, a prototype for the monitoring method has been developed and successfully validated.


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- Embargo expired in 12-12-2021