Temporal Synchronization of Sensors

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Advanced automotive vehicles are based on the real-time fusion of an increasing number of automotive sensors. For precise fusion of different sensors, measurements need to be synchronized both temporally and spatially. This thesis aims to design a hardware temporal synchronization block as part of the PRISTINE systolic array accelerator project for multi-sensor data fusion. In this process, we study and address several temporal sensor synchronization issues that are characteristic of the considered system as well as any other typical sensor fusion system. First and foremost, we handle the problem of estimating the actual time of sensor measurement by exploring well-known filtering techniques such as Kalman, mean and median filters. A suitable filter is selected for implementation based on the statistical characteristics of the observed sensor cycle times, the complexity of the filters and the quality of obtained estimates. Next, we address the issue of reconstructing incoming sensor data streams according to the estimated sensor measurement times while maintaining minimal latency and synchronization error by employing an adaptive stream buffering technique utilized in distributed multimedia systems. An analysis of the effects of the stream synchronization algorithm's parameters on buffering latency and synchronization error was presented. Finally, the above synchronization solution was efficiently implemented on hardware by making certain modifications and design decisions to the algorithm. A method to evaluate the whole temporal synchronization process is proposed and the obtained results on real sensor data are presented.