Context, birth and regeneration strategies for distressed urban areas

four case studies on global parallels and differences

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Marginalised, dilapidated, deprived, often centres of crime, poor living conditions and even poorer life prospects. It is common knowledge that this is the reality of many urban areas in numerous mega cities and not only. Each developing country has struggled with uncontrolled urban sprawl in the rapid urbanization processes that commenced with the industrial revolution almost two centuries ago. Furthermore, natural calamities, war aftermath and poor economic outlook led to the desolation of many parts of the world. Part of a vicious circle of self-enforcing and intertwined dynamics of various character, these areas usually seem beyond salvation. However, history proves that this is not the case and although difficult, change is possible.

This paper focuses on the relatively new challenge of urban regeneration by examining four case studies with the aim of pinpointing the underlying political, economic and social circumstances which generate such negative zones and the subsequent urban strategies employed for their improvMarginalised, dilapidated, deprived, often centres of crime, poor living conditions and even poorer life prospects. It is common knowledge that this is the reality of many urban areas in numerous mega cities and not only. Each developing country has struggled with uncontrolled urban sprawl in the rapid urbanization processes that commenced with the industrial revolution almost two centuries ago. Furthermore, natural calamities, war aftermath and poor economic outlook led to the desolation of many parts of the world. Part of a vicious circle of self-enforcing and intertwined dynamics of various character, these areas usually seem beyond salvation. However, history proves that this is not the case and although difficult, change is possible. This paper focuses on the relatively new challenge of urban regeneration by examining four case studies with the aim of pinpointing the underlying political, economic and social circumstances which generate such negative zones and the subsequent urban strategies employed for their improvement. A comparative study between four urban transformations, each of varying scale, geographical location and different respective prerequisites, draws the parallels and margins in an attempt to underline the main agents of change and the activation of dormant capital. The comparison is carried out following a structure, based on recurring patterns and themes, which consider various parameters such as historical context, political scene, economic dynamics, urban strategy and public involvement . By analysing examples of successful strategies from the recent past in relation to their context, connections are made between various criteria and strategic courses of action are presented as tools in the quest of making our environment more sustainable and healthy to its users. This thesis work contributes to the urban regeneration discourse and could be of use for future revitalization projects. ement.

A comparative study between four urban transformations, each of varying scale, geographical location and different respective prerequisites, draws the parallels and margins in an attempt to underline the main agents of change and the activation of dormant capital. The comparison is carried out following a structure, based on recurring patterns and themes, which consider various parameters such as historical context, political scene, economic dynamics, urban strategy and public involvement .

By analysing examples of successful strategies from the recent past in relation to their context, connections are made between various criteria and strategic courses of action are presented as tools in the quest of making our environment more sustainable and healthy to its users. This thesis work contributes to the urban regeneration discourse and could be of use for future revitalization projects.