The quality of GRACE monthly solutions and potential improvements by the use of the Global Tide and Surge Model

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Climate change causes alterations in large scale mass transport patterns in the ocean, cryosphere and hydrology. The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission which has been operational in the years 2002-2017 has already improved our understanding of large scale mass transport on Earth, but improvement of data quality is still needed. This will increase the quality of our current estimates of the effects of climate change on one hand and help in the validation and initiation of climate models on the other, which improves the accuracy of future predictions.

Noise in GRACE Level-2 data (monthly gravity field solutions) is caused by various reasons. The measurements themselves are already executed and their quality is fixed but better data processing algorithms and background models can reduce the current noise level. This is also relevant for the GRACE Follow On mission which might have a higher measurement precision. Over the ocean, these GRACE monthly solutions ideally only show mass exchange between continents and ocean and effects of self-attraction and loading. Therefore, the signal over the ocean is expected to consist predominantly of a linear trend and a seasonal variability. For certain oceanic regions this is not the case. In these areas still a signal variance representing interannual differences in the mass-derivative and large residuals with respect to a low-pass filtered signal are observed. This low-pass filtered signal contains only signals of a frequency lower than the semiannual cycle. These signal variance and residuals are unexpected and can be caused by inaccuracies in the currently applied oceanic background models in GRACE data processing.

For various Release 5 and Release 6 monthly solutions the noise variance, signal variance and residuals as aforementioned are estimated. The noise and signal variance are estimated by Variance Component Estimation (VCE). Additionally, numerical experiments are performed to analyze different regularization functionals and set-ups in the VCE. The oceanic regions where the largest signal variance and residuals are observed correlate. These areas are for GRACE Release 5 data the Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Arafura Sea, East Siberian Arctic Shelf, Argentine Basin and Hudson Bay. For GRACE Release 6 data a significant drop of this signal variance and residuals can be observed for the Hudson Bay and East Siberian Arctic Shelf.

Consequently, the oceanic background models for these releases are compared against each other and against the Global Tide and Surge Model (GTSM) which is a 2D hydrological model based on the Delft3D Flexible Mesh software developed by Deltares. For the whole ocean both 3/6-hourly time-series and monthly time-series are analyzed. For the shallow regions up to 200 m, the Black Sea and the Red Sea, GTSM shows significant differences with respect to the current applied oceanic background models. When comparing the oceanic background models of different releases it can be observed that the regions where the signal variance and residuals decreased for GRACE Release 6 with respect to Release 5 correlate to regions where the differences between these models is significant. This indicates that oceanic background models do significantly influence the quality of GRACE monthly solutions over the ocean.

Furthermore, it is investigated whether it can be expected that GTSM will improve the GRACE monthly solutions. For this, monthly time-series of the current applied oceanic background models are added back to the GRACE monthly solutions; consequently, by GTSM computed monthly time-series are removed. Compared to GRACE Release 5 monthly solutions, GTSM shows a reduction in the signal variance and residuals for the Hudson Bay, East Siberian Arctic Shelf, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, Arafura Sea and certain parts of the Arctic and Southern ocean. Compared to GRACE Release 6, a reduction in the signal variance and residuals is observed for the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea and Arafura Sea. For these regions it is most expected that GTSM can improve GRACE monthly solutions. Since the quality of monthly solutions over the oceans is clearly influenced by the oceanic background models significant alterations in GRACE monthly solutions are expected for the shallow regions up to 200 m, Black Sea and Red Sea when applying GTSM in the GRACE data processing. Whether these will be improvements or not should be analyzed by implementing GTSM-based 3-hourly time-series in the GRACE data processing to create a new GRACE Level-2 data product.
