Embedded rocking measurement of single layer armour units

Development and first results

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Randomly placed breakwater armour units under wave loading can sometimes start rocking, which can lead to breakage of armour units. This failure mechanism can especially become important for single layer randomly placed armour units for which full displacement of units will only happen at higher stability numbers compared to older types of units, and where unit breakage can more easily lead to progressive damage to the armour layer. However, unlike older types of units, hardly any quantitative information is available on the impact velocities, and the number of impacts is mostly assessed using somewhat subjective visual observations. In design the observed number of rocking units is limited to the amount of visually observed rocking units. Hence a good quantification of impact velocities could lead to a more optimal design. This paper describes the further development of embedded rocking sensors to measure the motions of individual smart armour units. Multiple smart rocking sensors have been applied in a physical model of a breakwater and measurements were collected to determine the number of impacts and impact velocity of the armour units. The results have been compared to visual observations and the first results will be presented. It is concluded that the new technique can be used to obtain much more information on rocking, including impact velocities, and that more rocking occurs than is observed visually.


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