The Patching of Built Ornamental Heritage using Digital Fabrication

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The purpose of this research is to explore the role of LIDAR Technology and Digital Fabrication techniques in the field of architectural conservation, particularly for the patching of ornamental heritage. The information is compiled in the form of a guide. Information gathered via the aid of experiments and subsequent observations is also recorded. These experiments were performed using various professional 3D scanning, digital fabrication, and traditional mold making techniques for the transference of geometry. The case recorded in detail is the patching of a mechanically damaged Belgian Blue Limestone column fragment. Another aspect of the research is to explore the use of various mesh generation and manipulation methods. This information can then be used by conservationists to aid in conservation efforts when traditional methods are either not sufficient or not feasible, thereby exploring the role of the ‘Neo-craftsperson’ in the digital age. To gather subjective insight on the topic, professional conservationists were also interviewed and all opinions are recorded.