The ENergy Roof

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This report describes the development of the ENergy Roof: a new concept for the Nul-op-de-Meter (NoM) renovation of single family dwellings in the Netherlands. The ENergy Roof consists of innovative technology, namely a solar assisted heat pump (SAHP) connected to photovoltaic solar panels that operates as evaporator (PV-DX). Furthermore the concept integrates all the required installation components in a single roof element which allows industrialisation, high production rates, price reduction and a one-day renovation, making a NoM more attractive. The purpose of this study is to develop the installation and control system of the ENergy Roof. A numerical MATLAB/Simulink model was constructed in order to simulate the system’s SCOP and annual electrical energy input to supply the space heating and hot tap water demand of the dwelling. This study has shown that the ENergy Roof is technically and financially feasible.