A resilient strategy roadmap for the Harbourmaster in an uncertain environment of the port-call-process

A qualitative application of the Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways framework

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With the upsurge of disruptive trends such as digitalisation and automation, organisations have become more vulnerable to the consequences of these disruptive trends. The Harbourmaster is responsible for facilitating a safe and efficient port-call-process. Digitalisation and automation might lead to opportunities and threats in the port-call-process the Harbourmaster cannot for see. As a result, the need for more resilient strategies to respond to these trends has become paramount. This research aims on filling the gaps in literature, by developing a strategy roadmap for the Harbourmaster to manage uncertainties in the port-call-process due to digitalisation and automation. By doing so, it provides a structured approach to examine the impact of digitalisation and automation in the port-call-process.

Digitalisation and automation affect the capabilities of the Harbourmaster's organisation with respect to long-term-objectives, the impact on the current port-call-process and the applications and the impact on staff qualifications. Adjustments to the Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways framework have been made to fit it into the objectives of this qualitative research. Resulting in thirteen effective actions that contribute to long-term-objectives to respond to the uncertainties (both opportunities and threats) of digitalisation and automation in different futures of the port-call-process. All actions focus one of the areas affected by digitalisation and automation. The resilient strategy roadmap visualises correlations between the actions.

Concluded is that a qualitative application of the DAPP can be used to design resilient strategies for the Harbourmaster. The resilient strategy roadmap provides the Harbourmaster with a guideline that is useful in uncertain environments due to digitalisation and automation. It can be discussed if other cases would experience the similar results when applying the DAPP framework in a qualitative manner. Furthermore, different set-up of methodologies is expected to result in a more valid set of actions. In addition, the impact of autonomous vessels is recommended to be further investigated since this is expected to have a radical impact on the port-call-process.