Tracking electromechanical muscle dynamics using ultrafast ultrasound and high-density EMG

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Current methods to track the progression and evaluate treatment of muscular dystrophies are scarce. The electromechanical delay (EMD), defined as the time lag from muscle electrical activity to motion onset, has been proposed as a biomarker, but provides only limited insight in the pathophysiol-ogy of muscle function. This work proposes and evaluates a novel method to track the propagation of electromechanical waves in muscles, using high density electromyography and ultrafast ultrasound imaging. Muscle contractions in three healthy subjects were evoked by electrical stimulation, and the subsequent propagating action potentials were successfully tracked in all 90 trials. Contractile waves were detected in 83 recordings. Detection rate varied across muscle depth. Mean (SD) velocities for the action potential were 3.71 (0.08) m/s, 4.73 (0.35) m/s and 3.27 (0.09) m/s for participant 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Velocities for the contractile wave were 3.83 (1.07) m/s, 3.32 (0.78) m/s and 3.41 (0.69) m/s for participant 1, 2 and 3 respectively. In conclusion, our technique can track the fast muscular electromechanical dynamics with high spatiotemporal resolution by combining ultrafast ultrasound imaging and high-density electromyography.