Densification of Amsterdam

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Amsterdam is growing fast, faster than the rest of the Netherlands. This leads to many challenges such as housing shortage and high pressure on space and amenities. For its competitiveness it important that Amsterdam keeps developing. However, it is often considered to be full. This study will show that there is a lot of space unused in the city, and that by densification Amsterdam can be more attractive. It concludes that the agglomeration of Amsterdam has the potential to grow within its borders to an urban structure of 1.4 million inhabitants. The paradox of the compact city states that densification creates often benefits on the large scale, but negative effects on the small scale. This study will show how the densification can be implemented in a good way and how it can contribute to the quality of life. Quality of life is an important part of a city's competitiveness, therefore this study will deal with the spatial measures that are needed to achieve both. The final goal is to show how densification can improve the quality of life and competitiveness of Amsterdam, to create an even more vibrant city where people love to live and work.