Assessing circularity in the end of life phase of public assets and identifying essential requirements for performance measurement

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Policymakers and literature have expressed the need for a visual and tangible manner of mapping circular value, the progress towards a fully circular economy and the presence of materials (material passport) in public space. Several initiatives exist for the measurement of circular progress. However, none have explicitly aimed towards the urban public space yet. Also, the most promising frameworks have shown to run into technical and organisational issues that make them impracticable. This has resulted in the goal: To develop actionable knowledge on performance measurement of the ecological and economic impact of the end of life phase in regional public asset management by developing a framework and identifying the technical and organisational barriers for implementation of these circularity parameters. A framework for performance measurement has been set up consisting of category characteristics, economic- and ecological parameters. These indicators provide a holistic image of the current end of life asset management practice. Data availability has been identified as a major issue in performance measurement frameworks that were discussed before. Therefore, the developed framework aims to assist in identifying these data gaps, their cause and proposal of a solution to aid the implementation of the end of life phase in local asset management.