
8 records found

This study presents a systematic review of the literature on decision support for designing hospital layouts using spatial network analysis and/or simulation modelling. The review includes 102 articles, which are classified into five different categories concerning their layout-r ...
This paper addresses the connection between circular building design and residential health and well-being. The general research objective is to determine assessment criteria for the performance of indoor partitioning products in a circular model. The overarching aim is to establ ...

Circular and Flexible Infill Concepts

Integration of the Residential User Perspective

Circular building has gained considerable attention in the Netherlands during the past decade. It is rooted in concepts such as circular economy (CE) and Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C®), accentuating the closing and coupling of material loops to establish effective and efficient resource ...

Nederland circulair in 2050

Wat betekent dat en kan het ueberhaupt?

In september 2016 is in het kader van een Rijksbreed programma Circulaire Economie1 een publicatie verschenen getiteld: ‘Nederland circulair in 2050’. Het is een gemeenschappelijke publicatie van – destijds – het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, het Ministerie van Economi ...

Circular and Flexible Indoor Partitioning

A Design Conceptualization of Innovative Materials and Value Chains

This article sheds light on the materialization and operation of residential partitioning wall components in relation to circular and flexible performance. The hypothesis is twofold: (1) A stronger integration of materialization and operation aspects is indispensable in establish ...
This article investigates the efficacy of temperature-controlled airflow systems in modern operating rooms for contaminant control, a critical factor in preventing surgical site infections. We have conducted experimental measurements in an operating room equipped with temperature ...
This article investigates the efficacy of temperature-controlled airflow systems in modern operating rooms for contaminant control, a critical factor in preventing surgical site infections. We have conducted experimental measurements in an operating room equipped with temperature ...

Wat leren we van Duitsland over waterstof?

Deelname TVVL Directiecollege en studiereis

Waterstof is mogelijk een van de belangrijkste toekomstige dragers van een duurzame energievoorziening. De kringloop zon en water naar elektriciteit en water is elegant, duurzaam, niet-vervuilend en qua energiebron gratis. De Maatschappelijke AdviesRaad (MAR) van TVVL heeft de wa ...


12 records found

The Energy Transition in the Built Environment

Modelling and Visualising Sustainable Urban Development

EPA: Multi-Modelling for Complex Challenges With the acknowledgement of international grand challenges, the demand for better and ever more complex models is likely to increase a manifold. Where single models may no longer be able to grasp the complexities of a system, multi-mode ...

Optimized Green Walls

Study of Vertical Green Systems’ Performance in an Urban Setting

The construction, operation and maintenance of buildings consume more than 40% of primary energy in most countries. Out of this 40%, a large portion is related to the operational phase involving heat losses through a buildings envelope. To reduce this loss, several materials have ...

Gathering through water integration

Integrating water and its natural cycles in a hotel building design for 'Het Marineterrein' in Amsterdam

During the Paris climate conference in December 2015, 195 different countries recognized the dangers of climate change. One of the key points on which the participants of this conference agreed on was that cities should built resilience against the effects of climate change. The ...

The inclusive sustainable supermarket of the future

Social circularity and synergy with its local urban environment

Current issues such as climate change or scarcity of resources, among others, make general business market and in this case, Lidl supermarket Netherlands continue searching and improving its commercial operations and services around circular economy principles (CE). However, CE c ...

Decision-Making on the Sustainable Development of Office Buildings

Improving the balance between the value areas People, Planet and Profit given the objectives of the organization

The Dutch government has issued a legislation that follows the Paris Agreement of 2016. This legislation means that all office buildings in 2023 must have minimum energy label C while the ambition in 2030 is to have energy label A and in 2050 zero energy buildings. It is estimate ...

Amstel III - The Reuse City

Implementing urban mining as a tool to transform vacant office buildings, reusing 100% of the existing building components.

Our excessive need for new building materials is causing our natural material stock to be depleted at an alarming rate. What happens if our most common building materials can no longer be acquired? This thesis shows the potential in reusing buildings and the components they compr ...

The Circular Cornerstone

Applying a Circular Economy through Design for Disassembly to the development of Amstel III

In the first part of this Architectural master thesis the Circular Economy is studied and results are Applied to the Amstel III district in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In this study the Circular Strategies of Europe, the Netherlands and Amsterdam are distilled into 5 main drivers ...


Experiencing circular architecture in a community lab

As material stocks are depleting and the building sector plays a big role in using these materials a circular economy can bring a solution to this depleting problem. Within the thoughts of applying the circular economy to the built environment, upscaling would not be possible wit ...

Cooling for Comfort, Warming the World

Residential and Office Cooling and its Environmental Implications in The Hague

Despite The Hague's historically mild climate, it is experiencing rising temperatures and more frequent heatwaves, resulting in a growing demand for space cooling. However, there is a significant gap in research and sustainable policies to address this demand in an environmentall ...


Op weg naar 2050?

Dit boek is geschreven naar aanleiding van de ministeriële publicatie ‘Rijksbreed programma Circulaire Economie ’ uit september 2016, waarin de ambitieuze doelstelling wordt uitgesproken dat Nederland zich voor 2050 moet ontwikkelen naar een volledig circulaire economie.@en


Op weg naar 2050?

Dit boek is geschreven naar aanleiding van de ministeriële publicatie ‘Rijksbreed programma Circulaire Economie ’ uit september 2016, waarin de ambitieuze doelstelling wordt uitgesproken dat Nederland zich voor 2050 moet ontwikkelen naar een volledig circulaire economie.@en

Circular Water

Water circularity for residential neighbourhoods

The problem of linear resource flow is addressed, in this thesis, parallel to the problem of human behaviour with respect to resource use. There is sufficient research being done with the aim of reducing the environmental impact of urban water systems, but not enough to reduce re ...