
P.J.W. van den Engel

28 records found

An overview is given of the state-of-the-art of natural and hybrid ventilation in buildings in general. The focus of this paper is on boundary conditions for openable windows. As a case study the Co Creation Centre at the TU-Delft is discussed. Occupants live in their own houses ...
This research evaluates the performance of a Phase Change Material (PCM) battery integrated into the climate system of a new transparent meeting center. The main research questions are: a. “Can the performance of the battery be calculated?” and b. “Can the battery reduce the heat ...
Satisfying thermal comfort in indoor spaces is still a challenge in terms of energy saving, and several HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning) systems have been proposed for this purpose. This paper conducts an analysis to evaluate and optimize the long-term operation ...

Hybrid ventilation

A design guide

The book was first issued in 2019. June 2023 a new version of this book is placed on the site.

More attention is payed to:
- Covid and ventilation (new)
- Openable windows and grids, how and when to use?
- Energy use of ventilation systems
- Elementary ca ...
This research gives an overview of the current comfort and energy performance, and optional future design of highly transparent and lightweight buildings. The transparent Co-Creation Centre in the Green Village at the TU Delft, has a combination of active and passive climate cont ...
This interactive, 90 minute workshop was proposed to encourage designers to take stock of innovative ventilation solutions being built today and then consider what might be effective design solutions for buildings in 28 years’ time, in 2050. The aim was to explore how shared lear ...
Vroeger werden gebouwen natuurlijk geventileerd en daglicht was de voornaamste bron van verlichting. Het binnenklimaat was vooral afhankelijk van het type gevel, dak, thermische massa en lokale verwarming. Overal in de wereld kunnen voorbeelden van traditionele gebouwen worden ge ...

Hybrid ventilation

A design guide

The handbook gives an overview of natural ventilation principles of buildings, often integrated in mechanical systems, and integration with daylight design.@en
For several years indoor comfort is measured in halls of hospitals by architecture students from the Delft University of Technology. Questionnaires and interviews have shows that patients and visitors have very few complaints about the indoor comfort in hospital halls. This, in h ...
Overview of the options of high inducing natural air supply and discussion about the theory of draught.@en
An overview is given of recent developments in the use of a system of inducing natural air supply via the façade in the Netherlands. This is followed by a review of the results of measurements from climate chamber experiments of its inducing ventilation performance and detailed i ...
Greenhouses in The Netherlands contribute significantly to the total energy consumption of the country. One of the leading Dutch philosophies for greenhouses is “the new growing” which reduce energy and improve health, quality and growing of plants: a greenhouse with an adaptive ...
The thermal comfort level distribution in high-rise residential buildings is seldomly checked in the Netherlands. At building scale, height and orientation were found to be the crucial parameters in the thermal comfort distribution in a regular high-rise residential building. At ...