S.C. Jansen


8 records found


A better way of looking at energy systems

The law of conservation of energy, stating that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, is inadequate to measure the performance of energy systems in the built environment: Even though energy figures suggest differently, these systems generally present a very poor performance, as ...

Beyond Cities

De duurzaamheid voorbij

Er is een massale, wereldwijde migratie van bevolking naar (groot)stedelijke gebieden. Volgens de Wereld gezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) was in 1960 nog slechts 34% van de wereldbevolking gehuisvest in steden terwijl dat naar verwachting in 2030 reeds 70% zal zijn [1]. Daarbij is de ...

Beyond Cities

De duurzaamheid voorbij

Er is een massale, wereldwijde migratie van bevolking naar (groot)stedelijke gebieden. Volgens de Wereld gezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) was in 1960 nog slechts 34% van de wereldbevolking gehuisvest in steden terwijl dat naar verwachting in 2030 reeds 70% zal zijn [1]. Daarbij is de ...

Beyond Cities

De duurzaamheid voorbij

Er is een massale, wereldwijde migratie van bevolking naar (groot)stedelijke gebieden. Volgens de Wereld gezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) was in 1960 nog slechts 34% van de wereldbevolking gehuisvest in steden terwijl dat naar verwachting in 2030 reeds 70% zal zijn [1]. Daarbij is de ...

Beyond Cities

Circulariteit in het watersysteem

Beyond Cities

Circulariteit in het watersysteem

Beyond Cities

Energie(-plus) en circulariteit

Beyond Cities

Energie(-plus) en circulariteit


12 records found

Residential buildings with low heat demand

The impact of design variables on the heat demand of residential buildings in the Netherlands

This study is about the impact of early design decisions on the heat demand of a small residential building. Heat demand is a significant part of the energy use of residential buildings in the Netherlands. Reducing this demand will reduce the strain on national energy resources a ...

Energy flat Buiksloterham

On how to design energy flat multifunctional urban blocks

This research focusses on providing guidelines on how energy flat multifunctionalurban blocks can be designed, including governance components.   First of all, architectural design can play a significant role in reducing themismatch over time. With architectural design the space ...

Energy flatness in the renovation of non-residential existing buildings

Reducing the energy mismatch between demand and supply in the Gemini south building

The building sector uses 40% of the primary energy worldwide. Energy demand in a non-residential existing building is rising due to higher comfort conditions, population growth and the enhancement of the building services. On the other hand, renewable energy technologies are ever ...

Smart Energy Buildings

Development of a photovoltaic thermal system configuration with additional envelope-integration into a multi-family building

The problem that needs to be resolved is the fact that there is too little knowledge about the energetically optimal application of photovoltaic thermal collectors (PVT) in an energy system configuration as well as its integration in a building envelope. A solution for this probl ...

Renovation for different energy systems

Prefabricated renovation approach for post-war walk-up apartments that is applicable to different energy systems

The post-war building stock represents 33% of all residential buildings. A common characteristic is that they are poorly insulated compared to the current Dutch building regulations. This research will focus on post-war walk-up apartments, they account for approximately 8% of the ...

Energy-flat housing

Towards continuous balance in the residential energy system

The global energy demand is increasing as a result of population growth and increased wealth standards. The share of local renewable energy supply is also increasing, driven by the urge to mitigate climate problems. Residential energy demand and renewable energy supply are both ...

Gas-free Ramplaankwartier

Spatial Measures for the Implementation of Sustainable Energy in Existing Neighbourhoods

Spatial impact of the energy transition is a subject that has not been studied extensively as of now. Developing a spatial plan for a sustainable energy system in an early phase will provide insight in practical and spatial implications that are related to these systems. This is ...

From gas to geothermal energy

Adaptations at building level for a lower temperature in the heating network

The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources brings along the reduction of the supply temperature of the distribution heating networks, because renewable energy sources usually provide heat at lower temperatures. This master thesis specifically focuses on the buil ...

De prestatie van verschillende renovatiescenario’s

Hoe presteren verschillende renovatiescenario’s voor portiekwoningen in corporatiebezit, m.b.t. de kosten, de energie prestatie, de mogelijkheid voor lage temperatuur verwarming en het implementatie gemak.

Om in 2050 een energie neutrale woningvoorraad te hebben is renovatie belangrijk. In deze scriptie is onderzocht hoe portiekflats gerenoveerd kunnen worden. Hiervoor zijn zeven scenario’s gesimuleerd: spouw isolatie; voorzetwand; binnen isolatie met Kingspan panelen; voorzetgevel ...

Space layout and energy performance

Parametric optimisation of space layout for the energy performance of office buildings

Architectural design greatly influences building energy performance (BEP), and energy-efficient design is therefore often studied. Architectural space layout also can affect BEP. However, only a few of the numerous studies on energy-efficient design considered the effect of space ...
The demand of energy increases steadily due to the growing global population and the increasing living standard of emerging markets. The increasing energy demand and reduction of greenhouse gasses require a significant increase of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency of ...
This research is about the spatial integration of a self-sufficient renewable energy system in selected urban blocks in the neighbourhood Ramplaankwartier in Haarlem, providing the heat demand of the residential buildings located in these selected urban blocks. Solar energy produ ...