C. Wagenaar


13 records found

This study presents a systematic review of the literature on decision support for designing hospital layouts using spatial network analysis and/or simulation modelling. The review includes 102 articles, which are classified into five different categories concerning their layout-r ...

Making post-war urban neighbourhoods healthier

Involving residents’ perspectives in selecting locations for health promoting urban redesign interventions

Post-war urban neighbourhoods in industrialised countries have been shown to negatively affect the lifestyles of their residents due to their design. This study aims at developing an empirical procedure to select locations to be redesigned and the determinants of health at stake ...

“The Hoist of the Yellow Flag”

Vulnerable Port Cities and Public Health

Port cities have long played a key role in the development, discovery, and fight against diseases. They have been laboratories for policies to address public health issues. Diseases reached port cities through maritime exchanges, and the bubonic plague is a key example. Port city ...

The Delft Fundamentals

Integration of disciplines, projects and analysis

As part of the renewal in 2013/2014 of the bachelor education curriculum in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, a new study programme was prepared on the Fundamentals (in Dutch: Grondslagen) of spatial design. The teaching approa ...

How the Built Environment Promotes Residents’ Physical Activity

The Importance of a Holistic People-Centered Perspective

Promoting adequate physical activity (PA) such as walking and cycling is essential to cope with the global health challenge of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Much research has been conducted to analyze how the built environment can promote PA, but the results are not consisten ...

Het gebouw als bewijs

Het bouwhistorische verhaal achter erfgoed

Bespreking van het boek 'Het gebouw als bewijs: Het bouwhistorische verhaal achter erfgoed' onder redactie van Ronald Stenvert en Gabri van Tussenbroek.@en

OK-afdeling: hart van het ziekenhuis

Medewerkers binden door een beter gebouw

In Nederland vinden regelmatig symposia plaats over de operatiekamer van de toekomst. De ideale operatie afdeling is zowel functioneel als prettig in het gebruik, flexibel en voorzien van de modernste apparatuur. De gebruiker moet er optimaal kunnen werken. Het komt echter nog va ...

Building a new Community

A Comparison between the Netherlands and Czechoslovakia

Public Spaces in and Around the Hospital

Streets, Squares, Patios, Waiting Areas, Healing Gardens

Past and future challenges of urban planning

As exemplified by the Netherlands

Finding their place

Positioning the Elderly

Objective: This article describes an approach to a metrics-based evaluation of public space in hospitals using cross-disciplinary qualitative and quantitative analyses. The method, Indoor Public Space Measurement (IPSM), is well suited to researchers and designers who intend to e ...
Subject/Research problem Healthcare is in need of methods and sound research data to provide a better fit between supply and demand with regard to functionality, serviceability, architectural and perceptual qualities, technical aspects, economical issues and sustainability. This ...


7 records found

Mental Wellbeing & Space

Spaces for Mental Health & Wellbeing after Dislocation

This research encompasses an exploration on spaces for mental health and wellbeing for newcomers in the Netherlands with a migration background caused by forced dislocation. This group of new Dutch citizens have a higher prevalence for mental disorders such as anxiety, depression ...

De Illusie van Inclusie

Wonen en leven in de wijk voor mensen met een psychiatrische aandoening

Vulnerable people with a psychiatric disorder are no longer staying in institutions outside of society, from now on the will live in the neighbourhood, in the so called ‘inclusive society’. In reality, some challenges need to be overcome such as loneliness and social isolation wh ...

How to explain sustainability

The future of urban planning researched through health

The attempts made in history to design livable sustainable neighborhoods, have created dependency instead on motorized transportation and have increased the pressure of the city, leading to unsustainable environments and causing global climate change. To accomplish sustainability ...

At the crossroads of Architecture and Landscape

Preservation Strategies of Historic Military Systems: a Comparison between Italy and the Netherlands

In the context of rapid urban transformations, this thesis explores the possible preservation strategies for historic military systems that used to be embedded in extra-urban settings, but that now are absorbed in the development dynamics of complex metropolitan areas. The resear ...

Improving the performance of hospitals

An architectural analysis of patient journeys in China

Nowadays, we are faced with serious challenges in public health worldwide. However, the challenges cannot be solved only in the domain of architecture, medical science or management. A successful hospital building is more than a nice building or an efficient healing machine. Pati ...

Architecture & Loneliness

Designing against loneliness among the elderly