A 0.25mm2 Resistor-Based Temperature Sensor with an Inaccuracy of 0.12°C (3σ) from -55°C to 125°C and a Resolution FOM of 32fJK2

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Temperature sensors based on Wheatstone bridges, e.g. [1,2], have recently achieved higher resolution and greater energy efficiency than conventional BJT-based sensors [3]. However, this comes at the expense of area, making them less attractive in industrial applications. This paper presents a Wheatstone-bridge sensor that uses a zoom-ADC architecture to reduce area (by 3x over [2]) and achieve state-of-the-art energy-efficiency for an integrated temperature sensor. After a 1st-order fit and a systematic non-linearity correction [2,4], it also achieves state-of-the-art inaccuracy: 0.12°C (3σ) over the full military temperature range (-55°C to 125°C).


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