Assessment on the effect of flood defences asset management maturity to cost and performance

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Maturity model has proven to be helpful for an organization to identify its current capability, strength, and weaknesses through maturity levels. These levels are used to rank the various dimension or process of an organization. However, maturity levels only describe a general description of organization capability. The effect of different maturity levels towards the organizational outcomes is speculated in the basis of the description at each maturity levels. The use of the maturity levels is limited in the pre-determined description. This research is an attempt to foresee the effect of different management maturity towards asset cost and performance by using Dynamic Bayesian Network. The network is developed by using a semi-hypothetical case on grass revetment management. The network models the maintenance process which covers the asset degradation and the influence of different extent of management towards grass condition in time. The degradation probability was determined by using Cooke’s classical model expert judgment. We designed different network involving four management dimension that was translated as model scenarios. The result provides an insight into the potential gain or loss of different management maturity which is beneficial for organizations in evaluating different alternatives of management improvement.