The Circular Procurement Tool

Procurement method to stimulate circular facade systems in mid-rise residential buildings in the Netherlands

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The ambition of the Netherlands is to have a fully circular economy by 2050.
One of the steps to achieve this ambition is that in 2030 the tenders should have
circular ambitions at all governmental levels. However, at the moment, there are
insufficient tools for the municipality to make the practical implications of these
circular ambitions explicit. In a studied case-project in Reigersbos (Amsterdam),
where circular facades are being applied, a selection procedure has taken place
to unify different parties that are willing and able to enhance the circularity of
the project. Such a tender process is complex and time-consuming. A tool that
streamlines circular requirements can help the selection procedure for the parties involved early in the process and can actively keep track of realisation of
the set requirements during the process. Therefore, the thesis aims to develop a
circular tendering tool that actively helps the municipality and project developer
set circular ambitions and criteria for an arbitrary project location. The tool’s
concept is to categorize and assess the individual benefits of the circular measures in the chosen products, phases and parties, based on the principle of the circular economy. By utilizing this tool, it becomes possible to compare and select a facade system for the project. Furthermore, it also keeps track of the process by monitoring the set goals during the project for necessary adjustments and allows evaluating of the goals in the end.