Power-full Reflexivity

Unveiling Power Dynamics to Foster Participatory Decision-Making in Organization

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Academically, the application of participatory practices that involve the people who will use the products or services has become widely recognized and essential. However, many organizations struggle with implementing this concept within their organizational context, particularly when it comes to participatory decision-making. It is common for decisions to be made by a few individuals with authority, significantly impacting others who feel limited in their ability to influence the outcome. Consequently, there is a pressing need to develop innovative solutions to address these challenges.
This project, conducted in collaboration with CGI Netherlands GTO, aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical emphasis on participatory value and its practical application in organizations. Two research questions are formulated to guide the investigation: “How can participatory decision-making be integrated into GTO?” and “How can hierarchical structures and power imbalances in decision-making be overcome to embrace participatory decision-making?”
To address these questions, a proposed reflexivity exercise, known as Power-full Reflexivity, is introduced. The goal of this exercise is to assist individuals in positions of authority in recognizing the power dynamics inherent in the decision-making process. The ultimate objective is to facilitate the meaningful involvement of individuals who are affected by the decisions and have experienced the issues, granting them greater access and agency within the decision-making process. It is believed that the use of Power-full Reflexivity by decision-makers will enhance the participatory value in their decision-making practices, benefiting individuals through increased agency and fostering a collaborative and participatory environment within the organization.