Eco-Inclusive Opportunity

Operationalising Environmental assets towards a resilient densification

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We have entered the epoch of the Anthropocene. Now with humanity itself being a sizeable force of nature, we can no longer ignore the impact we have on the planet’s systems, as it is also increasingly impacting our societies, through climate change. This is occurring while major cities are still experiencing an increase in population. Amsterdam is expected to reach a population of over one million within two decades, and with scarce space for development the city is being forced to reconsider its position on density. Now with the ambition of transforming a part of the harbor into the new district of Havenstad, challenges regarding space, mobility, water management and heat stress arise and come to a head. How can this area be developed into a resilient high-density environment? In this research the themes of density, liveability and ecosystem services are combined in the pursuit of an evidence-based approach to develop a city for the future, capable of absorbing changes and allowing a wide variety of uses within the area. Here ecosystem services perform a crucial part in safeguarding and increasing liveability within this high-density environment. To understand the interrelations the research relies on a combination of a literature review, external input and refernce studies into high density environments within planned and existing neighbourhoods in Amsterdam and other cities. This project operates along the lines of the opportunistic approach as explained by Ahern(2007), to treat spatial challenges, widely present in the area, as opportunities, rather than as complications, looking for additional uses of the existing environment. The design has a strong focus on the mobility, to make a necessary shift away from personal motorized mobility, and the blue green networks that provide ecosystem services for the area, to allow for a high density whilst maintaining a high liveability in the area.