The Freshwater Factory: removing organic micro-pollutants with ozonation

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Removing organic micro-pollutants (OMPs) can enable wastewater reuse to alleviate pressure on fresh water sources. This research aims on the prediction of OMP removal efficiencies by ozonation and biofiltration based on experimental data sets and/or modelling. Comparison of experimental data on average OMP removal of three different studies from literature, in combination with new data obtained from an ozonation pilot plant treating the effluent of a wastewater treatment plant, shows that average removal efficiencies at specific ozon dosage in all experiments are in the same range. Removal of individual OMPs were predicted using the equation Lee and von Gunten (2016). The modelled OMP removal efficiency is compared with data obtained from a measuring campaign at the ozonation pilot plant. The model accurately predicted observed removal efficiency, with an average deviation of 6.9% point. Predictability of specific OMP removal efficiencies from existing data sets would change current practice: ozonation pilot trials at each wastewater treatment plant with effluent OMP requirements.


WM_final_report_Ward_van_Es_41... (.pdf)
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- Embargo expired in 26-10-2018