Researching the Properties of a 3D-Printed Living Material Containing C. Reinhardtii

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Incorporating living cells into a non-living matrix is one of the many possible steps that can be undertaken to stop climate change. Especially, photosynthetic organisms have a promising future in material design as they can capture atmospheric carbon dioxide and ’ breathe’ oxygen. This research dives into unravelling the properties of a hydrogel-based living material containing C. reinhardtii.
To facilitate a systematic exploration, this goal was divided into three smaller pieces. Firstly, the study delves into the mechanical characteristics, aiming to identify the most suitable bio-ink crosslink technique and composition. To validate the mechanical properties the living material was subjected to rheology and a bridging test. Concluded can be that crosslinking and algae growth improve the mechanical stability of the material, whereas, gelatin did not. The sagging behaviour of the material looked promising.
Secondly, the photosynthetic activity of this living material was researched. It was found that the rise of O2 levels can not be measured accurately, the non-living matrix can release a high amount of CO2 of over 20.000 ppm and airtightness poses a complex challenge in this field of research.
Lastly, the project incorporates attempts to find effective techniques for studying the livingness of this unique material. In this part of the research, inverted optical microscopy, 3D laser scanning microscopy and chlorophyll extraction were discarded as suitable methods to study the livingness of the algae material. It was proven that leveraging the autofluorescence of the algal chlorophyll confocal laser scanning microscopy gives high-resolution images and the livingness of this living material could be studied with this technique in the near future.
This research significantly contributes to our understanding of this hydrogel-based living material and its many challenging properties. It underscores the importance of innovative materials like these in addressing contemporary environmental challenges, particularly in carbon capture. Moreover, it highlights the complexity of characterizing such materials, paving the way for further exploration and development in this relatively new field.