A theoretical study of wall cooling affects upon shock wave-laminar boundary layer interaction by the method of Lees-Reeves-Klineberg

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The integral method of Lees and Reeves-Klineberg has been used to study the effect of changes of wall temperature ratio upon wall pressure and heat transfer distributions, of a shock wave - laminar boundary layer interaction generated by a two-dimensional deflected surface. Klineberg extended the integral method of Lees and Reeves to the non-adiabatic case (isothermal wall) but his numerical results deal only with a highly cooled surface (Sw =-0.8).The present study consists in an extension of Klineberg's method to intermediate values of wall to stagnation temperature ratio, from adiabatic (Sw= 0) to highly cooled wall (Sw= -0.8). A parametric study has th en been carried out to determine the effect of progressive changes in the wall cooling ratio. In particular, a linear reduction of the separation length with the surface cooling ratio has been demonstrated.