Adpt: personalizing dashboard experiences

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This project was performed for a Dutch creative agency with the general objective to demonstrate a new application of personalization in service design. Specifically, the goal was set to stimulate a personalized experience of a future energy dashboard by making the communication of information to users more effective. To that end principles of adaptive user interface (AUI) theory, practice-oriented design (POD) and a mindset framework from the creative industry were combined. Through the concept of ‘Adpt’ this project proposes an AI-based context-aware personalization system that supports the differences in interests and capabilities between different users. Due to the technical expertise required for its effect on the personalized experience of the user was not confirmed. Yet, the results of the qualitative user test performed in the project confirm (1) the dynamic and sometimes predictable nature of users’ interests and capabilities when interacting with an energy dashboard and (2) the diversity of display preferences. These results confirm the relevance of the combination of AUI theory, POD and the mindset framework. It leads to the recommendation for future research to test and build a first AI for the purpose suggested in this project.