Exploring the effects of increased rent regulation and and taxation on the investment behaviour of private landlords in the Dutch housing market and the position of private tenants

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The Netherlands is facing a housing crisis, marked by shortages and escalated prices. The Affordable Rent Bill aims to further regulate the private rental segment and improve the position of middle-income groups depend- ent on this segment. However, increased rent regula- tions and the recently introduced taxation measure Tax Plan 2023 decrease profitability for private landlords, sparking concerns about potential divestment from this segment, reducing availability and possibly worsening the position of private tenants and middle income groups. This study explores the effect of the Affordable Rent Bill and Tax Plan 2023 on the investment beha- viour of private landlords and the position of private ten- ants. Utilising inductive logic and a mixed-methods se- quential explanatory design, data from Woononderzoek 2021, a survey conducted among private landlords, and the consultation on the Affordable Rent Bill are ana- lysed. Its findings suggest that the accumulation of taxa- tion and rent regulation measures prompt private land- lords to divest a great number of dwellings, likely result- ing in a decrease in the availability of mid-market rental housing and a negative effect on the position of middle incomes and others dependent on this segment. The study underscores the need for a careful reevaluation of the regulatory framework to achieve the intended posit- ive effect on affordability and availability in the mid-mar- ket rental segment.