Resonant hair clipper

An exploratory research project at Philips

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Philips is a giant in the consumer lifestyle goods and prides itself over the quality of equipment produced. Hair clippers are one of the more popular products manufactured by Philips and the hair clipper division of Philips focuses on innovation to maintain the popularity. This time, the idea was to make a resonant hair clipper which can increase the battery life and put Philips one step ahead of
its competitors in the grooming market. The aim of this project was to answer the question of whether the concept of resonance can be used in Philips hair clippers to reduce the overall power consumption without modifying the currently available driving mechanism for the reciprocating cutter, which is a combination of a permanent magnet direct current (PMDC) rotary motor and a Scotch-yoke type mechanism. An additional goal of this project was to mathematically model the hair clipper which can be used for predicting the power consumption in a Philips hair clipper. It was concluded that the use of resonance in a hair clipper is an idea worth pondering over. It can result in increasing the battery life and make Philips’ hold over the consumer grooming market even stronger. In addition, a model of the hair clipper has been made, which can be used to predict the amount of power consumed by Philips hair clipper running at different speeds.


Final_report_4490789_Resonant_... (.pdf)
(.pdf | 10.2 Mb)
- Embargo expired in 19-12-2023