Characterization of biosensing with integrated photonic microchips for wearable photonics in health monitoring

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Photonics biosensors convert biomolecular interactions into quantifiable optical signals for biomedical analysis, which enable continuous monitoring of health indicators. Among them the microring resonator has a good sensing performance and a very broad application prospect. This thesis studies sensing with microfluidic integrated microring resonator photonic microchips.
This thesis adopts finite element method to simulate the optical behavior of waveguides and reactions in the microfluidic channel. The microfluidic channel was designed and prepared and then integrated to the photonic chip. The optical performance parameters of the micro ring resonator were tested by using a high-precision optical test system. The sensing performance of waveguide microring was studied using different aqueous solution as the detection object. The feasibility and effectiveness of the optical waveguide chip sensing have been preliminary verified.



File under embargo until 31-08-2025


File under embargo until 31-08-2025