Detox Life Sharing Community

A green connector

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In the future, with the development of AI, robotics and medical technology, people have higher life expectancy and focus more on mental/spiritual experience. Amstel, as a developing Amsterdam sub-center, is expected to become an (P)Leisure area by 2100. However, not every future residents can live a happy life. With virtual technology addiction, widening wealth gap and rising unemployment rate, the number of NEETs (those who are Not in Education, Employment or Training) will grow significantly. How assist them to rebuild self confidence, learn skills, and return to society is a big problem. Detox Life Sharing Community is a unique future social housing for the rehabilitation of NEETs. The healing effect of greenery plays an important part in this community. Moreover, through a collective lifestyle, the NEETs are encouraged to leave their comfort zone and rebuild social relations. By working with urban farming(tradition of Amstel), NEETs gain knowledge and give back to the community, even creating economic benefits for the entire city. This community is not only the place where the NEETs detox, but also a cultural center of the locals.