Dynamic Testing of GE Multilin 869 Motor Protection Relay for Stator Inter-turn Faults

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Induction motors have a significant role in every aspect of modern living. They are extensively used in every industry because of their robust construction, easy operation, controllable and adaptable features. Therefore, occurrence of faults in these machines are a major concern. The protection schemes implemented in a network plays an important role in the safe operation of the machine. The key component of common protection schemes is a relay that senses abnormalities in the network and separates the faulty section from the healthy network. Large faults such as phase faults, phase-to-phase faults are easily detected as they impact the whole network. However, commonly occurring faults such as stator winding faults, bearing faults, etc. are difficult to detect using the standardised protection schemes. Stator winding faults create localised heating that can rapidly incite phase faults. Thus, additional protection schemes are required to detect them in time. This thesis focuses on modelling and simulation of stator inter-turn faults in an induction motor using Electromagnetic Transient Program - Alternative Transients Program (EMTP-ATP) platform; dynamic testing of a chosen relay at various fault severities and fault resistances. Finally, optimised settings of the chosen relay are suggested for a given medium power induction motor and the results are discussed.