Amstel InnovUnion

A Podium for Creative Industry

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As one of the most important and attractive city in Europe, Amsterdam has seen a great growth of its residents in the recent years. How to offer enough houses for the new arrivals will be a continuous question for the managers of the city. The densification process has already started. Wasted lands like abandoned houses and old industrial areas are transformed into new residential and working areas. This process leads to the questions: How can we densify Amsterdam in a sustainable way? What kind of built environment is necessary to benefit the urban fabric and create local values?

The main aim of my graduation project is to create a space that could help connect the different groups of people and benefit the local creative production. The building is a headquarter of the guild of creative industry of Amsterdam. The building includes four exhibition halls, workshops, working space, a hostel, a shopping street and a public park. The building is located beside new city boulevard (which will be downgraded from the current A10 highway), with the shopping street and the park connecting both sides.

My project provides an answer to the question how the creative production could help rebuild the social connection in the future context of densified city fabric. The project could inspire the city planners to reconsidering the relationships between the production and the citizens, which will be quite meaningful for a healthy and sustainable deification process in Amsterdam and other large cities.