Kampong: The next level

Urban redevelopment by incremental growing housing by the river

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In the informal settlements of Indonesia the housing quality is of poor condition, but the community is strong. Especially the buildings that were build on the river banks are often in poor and dangerous condition. By introducing a new framework for building near the river, the overall quality of the kampong can be upgraded. The concept is to first introduce facility building near the river, funded by the community together with the government. These facilities improve hygiene conditions, such as clean washing and cooking areas. Besides offering facilities to the kampong, this building also gives new public space near the river in the sense of a walkway. Thus, making a new infrastructure on the Next Level. Then residents can add houses to the structure of the Next Level facility building being a part of the project. This is expected to increase the strength, the community and also the kampong as a whole. The project can grow incrementally land inwards if needed and wanted by the community. This is made possible by a modular and simple structure that can be assembled on the spot. Modularity follows the existing mind-set of the way of building in these settlements. Therefore, this can be made by the kampong residents themselves and makes it an affordable way of building.